
About Me


  • Study in SYSU
    • Undergraduate Student
  • Major in MIE
    • Mobile Information Engineering
    • (A major concluding CS , EE, SE and CE)
  • Freshman of
    • web
    • Alogrithm
    • EE


  1. code/write
  2. running,exercising…(many favors in sports)
  3. joking

some honors

  1. Second Prize of (SYSU)ACM Novice Race (2015)
  2. Second Prize of (SYSU)ACM College Race (2016)
  3. Third Prize of GDCPC (rk67) (2016)
  4. Second Prize of (SYSU)Beautiful Code(rk5) (2016)

waiting for

  1. GirlFriend’s Greater emotion
  2. Greater emotion
  3. Idea GPA && Idea Job


Graduate from Yali High School (ChangSha)

Born in YueYang (Hunan).

About My Blog

  1. Write the solution of Algorithm problem set in my CSDN Blog.
  2. choose hexo for greater appearence.
  3. Thanks for the creators of hexo,next,yilia,spfk.
  4. Thanks tencent for free web domain renld.cn.
  5. Thanks a lot for plugin creators.
  6. Mainly Write for
    • Algorithm
    • College Life in SYSU
    • Technology