About Me
- Study in SYSU
- Undergraduate Student
- Major in MIE
- Mobile Information Engineering
- (A major concluding CS , EE, SE and CE)
- Freshman of
- web
- Alogrithm
- EE
- code/write
- running,exercising…(many favors in sports)
- joking
some honors
- Second Prize of (SYSU)ACM Novice Race (2015)
- Second Prize of (SYSU)ACM College Race (2016)
- Third Prize of GDCPC (rk67) (2016)
- Second Prize of (SYSU)Beautiful Code(rk5) (2016)
waiting for
- GirlFriend’s Greater emotion
- Greater emotion
- Idea GPA && Idea Job
Graduate from Yali High School (ChangSha)
Born in YueYang (Hunan).
About My Blog
- Write the solution of Algorithm problem set in my CSDN Blog.
- choose hexo for greater appearence.
- Thanks for the creators of hexo,next,yilia,spfk.
- Thanks tencent for free web domain
. - Thanks a lot for plugin creators.
- Mainly Write for
- Algorithm
- College Life in SYSU
- Technology